The Jacaways Cell Phone Blog

The Jacaways Cell Phone Blog

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Danny received the Aaronic Priesthood on January 17th. He enjoys getting to pass the sacrament. He had quite the eventful first couple of weeks in his new position as a priesthood holder. In our ward full of old people an Aaronic Priesthood holder walks around with a microphone on fast Sunday for people to bear their testimony. While the line was empty he just started talking in the mic. to bear his testimony I was very proud. The next week he had to talk in sacrament meeting and did a great job. At his first YW/YM meeting he went to he accidentally stood up with the girls first instead of waiting for the boys to recite theme. His friends gave him crap about that one. He also got to go to the Logan Temple to do baptisms for the dead. My friend Linda had 27 boy names and Danny did them all for her. Craig was watching him. Craig said he was worried Danny might drown after 20 names. The guy doing the baptisms spoke really fast and Danny barely got a breath in between each dunk. He said he really loved doing it and we all went out to dinner afterwards.

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